Plexus Illustrations & Wallpapers

I'm always fascinated whenever artists use Plexus for a print project or something unrelated to video. Today, I had the pleasure of adding two such beautiful projects to the gallery. Let's take a look at them.
Joshua Oluwagbemiga created these beautiful wallpapers using Plexus as an exploration project.

Check these out in the gallery page, along with the full-res download links.
Plexus Wallpapers by Joshua Oluwagbemiga →
Also, another cool project in which Firas Ershead used Plexus to create cool illustrations, which are then UV printed on glass. The SVG Export feature in Plexus is what makes these illustrations possible. This feature was actually developed due to a very similar project where I needed to export print resolutions from AE using Plexus which is not ideal and SVG files being resolution independent were the solution. Anyways, checkout the cool project below.