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OBJ Sequence Exporter for Cinema 4D

This plug-in has been discontinued.

OBJ Exporter for Cinema 4D is a plug-in that exports OBJ file sequences from Cinema 4D, which you can use them to import into Plexus using the Plexus OBJ Object.

What's new?

Nothing- because this plug-in has been discontinued.




If you are having issues related to OBJ Sequences and C4D, then please don't contact us.

Important Note:

Effective Apr 24 2024, this plug-in has been discontinued. No further development nor any updates will be issued.

But I need to export OBJ File Sequences from C4D!

You can contact Maxon. Maybe a future version of C4D will have such a feature built-in.


OBJ Sequence Exporter v2.0
Discontinued Date: Apr 24 2024

Software Product Has Been Discontinued